DHS Announces Disaster Food Assistance for Arkansas, Conway, Crawford, Desha, Faulkner, Jefferson, Logan, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Sebastian, and Yell Counties

Jun 23, 2019 | Blog

DHS Announces Disaster Food Assistance for Arkansas, Conway, Crawford, Desha, Faulkner, Jefferson, Logan, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Sebastian, and Yell Counties

What is Disaster SNAP or D-SNAP?

D-SNAP is temporary food assistance for people affected by natural disaster. This program provides one month of food assistance to eligible disaster survivors and can help people who should be receiving SNAP benefits gain access to the program.


What is the difference between D-SNAP and SNAP?
  • D-SNAP can provide food assistance to households in restricted eligibility categories like students, people with intentional program violations (IPV) on their record, undocumented immigrants, and people who are not meeting the time-limit or “work requirement”.
  • These benefits only apply to people who were living in disaster areas at the time of the disaster (May 21st, 2019 and after in Arkansas).
  • A household will receive the maximum allotment for their household size and do not have to meet separate “resource tests” however, they will have to add their accessible liquid resources and income together to determine Disaster Gross income.
  • Maximum shelter and standard deductions are incorporated into disaster eligibility standards.


Who qualifies?

People from the counties below who experienced at least one of the following as a direct result of the flooding that began May 21, 2019, may be eligible:

  • Damage to or destruction of the home or self-employment business
  • Loss or inaccessibility of income, including a reduction or termination of income or a significant delay in receiving income, due to disaster-related problems
  • Disaster-related expenses (home or business repairs, temporary shelter, evacuation, etc.) that are not expected to be reimbursed during the disaster benefit period


IF YOU ARE UNSURE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR D-SNAP CALL OR VISIT YOUR DHS OFFICE. You can find the address and phone number of the DHS offices here. Offices in these counties will be open from 7AM-6PM Monday, 6/24-28.


These are the counties and the zip codes identified as disaster areas

